Tuesday, March 31, 2009


man , one thing I wnt to knw - is why do people constantly LIE ? like, I'm not tryna say I'm the most honest person - but I only lie when I have to . I mean I don't have to - but if its something life or death or a little white lie - I'll tell it . but I [HATE] wen people lie about unnecessary stuff . UGH it really bothers me . esp if you tryna to make your life seem interesting & yu just make up lies just to make yourself seem interesting . I don't like [FAKE] people at all . & making up stories so you life seems entertaining is even more of a nuisance . esp when I find out that [everything] that you've told me was just a [lie] . ewwwww .

I'm a very accepting person . like if yu have no life, I mean I'll exchange some words with ya - but I mean if yu dnt have a life --honestly there is [nothing] to really talk about . no going out, smoking, drinking, parties, or anythinggg :: wht the fckkkk do you do ?

I just wnt to know you - for you . not all the lies .... but it seems like I cnt even get that - but its all good tho - I'm [so over it>.



qp said...

yada yada yada

LC said...

...you would comment on this shit.

Anonymous said...

you say a person has no life if they don't smoke or drink or whatever but what about an education? what if they stick strictly to their studies? that seems like more of a life then someone who just ''parties'' lls..i concur with dude smh.

LC said...

I'm not saying that if they stick to their studies they have no life . but this person doesn't even stick to their studies . I was simply talkin about the weekends . so uh - thanks .

tiff.smith said...

ughh no matter what ppl say, lying about ur life to make it seem cool is fuckin lameeee